Archive for the ‘Cheap Monday’ Tag

Catching Up?

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013


Image(Top, Goodwil; Shorts, Goodwill; Tights, American Apparel; Boots, H&M)


Image(Shirt, Connected; Pants, Cheap Monday; Belt, Goodwill; Shoes, Jeffrey Campbell; Sunglasses, H&M)


Image(Top, Goodwill; Shorts, Wasteland; Tights, Target; Shoes, Jeffrey Campbell)

I keep telling myself that I’m going to be really consistent with posting on this blog.. and what do I do? Make no posts. Baha. Oh well. These are a few little ootds I’ve put on my instagram. I was slacking on those as well. I haven’t done much shopping (other than Goodwill) lately, I was too busy saving up for Connected Fest.. and then I read it was post poned and was ready to just go spend everything. LUCKILY I DIDN’T because it was rescheduled for April 6th! So exciting! I did accidentally spend like 65 bucks on some URB tights, but they don’t fit me anyways. So I’m gonna sell those. I’m also going to take a bunch of stuff to Buffalo Exchange/Crossroads/Wasteland and see if they might wanna buy some of my old crap that I’ve hardly worn. MONEY, I NEED MONEY.. for a change. hahaha. I’m going to work on my blog consistency. Stay tuned for Etsy thiiiiings. I’m thinking of making a storeenvy, but I’m going to look into it a bit more. Anyways, till next time!

Big Cartel Instead of Ebay

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

I just wanted to let anybody know who clicks on my blog to see stuff that I’m selling that I am putting stuff up onto my Big Cartel site instead of Ebay. Ebay started to charge me for a piece of my shipping cost, too. So its like, a ridiculous amount of the money I make going straight back to Ebay. Anyways, if I get things sold at a decent rate, I’ll get the monthly thing to post up more than just a five items.. take a look!


Selling More Stuff

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012








More stuff I don’t wear that I should get rid of! The Jeffrey Campbell Volta’s are/were my sisters shoes, and she never wore them because they’re too small for her. So I’m selling them for her! Neither of the American Apparel Shiny leggings have been worn, I only tried on the silver ones. I’ve worn the cycle shorts a few times but they aren’t damaged one bit. And the Cheap Mondays have been worn twice and washed once. 

Check it all out!

(Moved stuff to Big Cartel site! If something you see in these pictures isn’t there and you’re interested, comment below and I can post up a listing. ) 🙂

Selling my Cheap Monday Monolith Wedges

Friday, June 29th, 2012

I bought these in a 37, and they’re just a bit tight. If you think of getting these, I suggest you be a 6/6.5. For they did not fit me perfect and I’m a 6.5/7.



Christmas in June

Friday, June 8th, 2012





So, I just got all of these things. For 95 bucks.. Sales are insane, and I cannot refuse them. Omg, I’m insanely excited. Christmas has come early, you guys! The glitter Night Litas literally sold out in size 7 JUST as I was about to get them, so I had to get 6.5 instead. If they don’t fit, I will cry. Same for the Sting Spikes! I never thought I would have them, but since Pink Kitten said they fit a bit long if anything, and since she likes things comfortably big, I got the 6.5. The only things I KNOW will fit are the Cheap Monday wedge and the Tripp pants. My mom has the Cheap  Monday wedge in white suede in an 8, and I’ll admit I tried them on once or twice. Hehe.